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 Magellan - Storms And Mutiny

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı Mesaj Sayısı : 219
Kayıt tarihi Kayıt tarihi : 13/02/10
Başarı Puanı Başarı Puanı : 28742
Rep Puanı Rep Puanı : 0
Yaş Yaş : 31
Nerden Nerden :
İş/Hobiler İş/Hobiler :
Cinsiyet Cinsiyet : Erkek

Magellan - Storms And Mutiny Empty
MesajKonu: Magellan - Storms And Mutiny   Magellan - Storms And Mutiny I_icon_minitimePaz Şub. 21, 2010 9:54 am

Crossing the line of demarcation
They took a passage to the west
Dead reckoning they doubled back
Into the north they anchored for bad weather
San Martin and Magellan almost lost sight of the flagship

The Santiago and Victoria led
No sign of land altered the course
Why not return for winter?
No violation of direct royal orders
The men, the officers, all cried "return"
No captains that had discipline-
rode the high seas in storms and mutiny (with the enemy)
Desperately they sought a haven in an age of discovery...

Extra precautions, setting anchor as they did
Terrified, the crews made pledges back to Spain for pilgrimage
Lighting fires at night to signal shipmates-at last deliverance
from the fury of this godforsaken place they named the "bay
of travail"-

Ride the high seas in storms and mutiny (with the enemy)
Desperately they sought a haven in an age of discovery...

Genius or madman? So elusive were the straits
Battered were the ships and men
A stop for repairs in St. Julian
The crew wanted to know the route they'd begun
despite stirring exhortations for loyalty from Magellan
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Magellan - Storms And Mutiny
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