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 Magellan - Gameface

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı Mesaj Sayısı : 219
Kayıt tarihi Kayıt tarihi : 13/02/10
Başarı Puanı Başarı Puanı : 28742
Rep Puanı Rep Puanı : 0
Yaş Yaş : 31
Nerden Nerden :
İş/Hobiler İş/Hobiler :
Cinsiyet Cinsiyet : Erkek

Magellan - Gameface Empty
MesajKonu: Magellan - Gameface   Magellan - Gameface I_icon_minitimePaz Şub. 21, 2010 9:56 am

There comes a moment in time
before ascent or decline
You'll face your darkest hours
When other see in your face
the test of wills you've embraced
You are your own opponent

Keeping your focus in the rat race
Do what you have to so you can keep pace
You'll love the contact if you wear a gameface

Harvest a new relation
engage some tribulation
progress by confrontation?
You stand in awe but don't see
You are your adversary
Shut up and have some vision
futures lost in decision

Keeping your focus in the rat race
Do what you have to so you can keep pace
You'll love the contact if you wear a gameface.
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Magellan - Gameface
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