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 Magellan - Fading Fast

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı Mesaj Sayısı : 219
Kayıt tarihi Kayıt tarihi : 13/02/10
Başarı Puanı Başarı Puanı : 28742
Rep Puanı Rep Puanı : 0
Yaş Yaş : 31
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İş/Hobiler İş/Hobiler :
Cinsiyet Cinsiyet : Erkek

Magellan - Fading Fast Empty
MesajKonu: Magellan - Fading Fast   Magellan - Fading Fast I_icon_minitimePaz Şub. 21, 2010 9:57 am

Matt Bradley - Lead vocals

(Gardner solo)
(Petrucci solo)

In just a moment your life can slip away
Wasting time by wasting chances
When all that's left here is emptiness and hope
It's always darkest before the dawn will show

So I've got to stay right
Just to see it
I've got to rise up and be much more

There's nothing's new here
My impact fading fast
Why seize the hour if I can not make it last
The cynics laugh hard and the pundits write away
The music's dying but its epitaph will say
It's not over yet
Just to see it
I've got to rise up and be
And be so much more
Believe I know it
I've got to be right...

(Petrucci solo)

There's a light at the end
But a darkness begins
As I take the task at hand
For the glimpse that I see
Is all that I need
Just to try and understand
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Magellan - Fading Fast
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