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 Magellan - Estadium Nacional

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı Mesaj Sayısı : 219
Kayıt tarihi Kayıt tarihi : 13/02/10
Başarı Puanı Başarı Puanı : 28742
Rep Puanı Rep Puanı : 0
Yaş Yaş : 31
Nerden Nerden :
İş/Hobiler İş/Hobiler :
Cinsiyet Cinsiyet : Erkek

Magellan - Estadium Nacional Empty
MesajKonu: Magellan - Estadium Nacional   Magellan - Estadium Nacional I_icon_minitimePaz Şub. 21, 2010 9:57 am

"These are my last words, their treasonous hands
have us all under siege, now do you understand?"
Gossens ministers - all at hand
will take up final stations
as the coup hunts a single man
No offer of exile did he take in his last trial...

Covert action - Santiago
The U.S. denies it but the president knows
Broken fathers, strut of the guard
see cruel opportunists where the losers die hard

Seeking refuge from this "land of fire".

Allende supporters are gathered
They disappear, ask them how the tortured shall
dispatch a message to loved ones now
Their photographs worn by survivors
A swede is the only trace of redeemed grace
as Edelstam prepares a place
of asylum but without "sanction".

Fleeing persecution - visas feigning new
So they wait there at the embassies...

Labor takes a fall (IMPENDING ASCENSION)
The White House seems appalled at the disgrace
They toast a secret cheer in executive session
and keep it going strong (wear a gameface)
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Magellan - Estadium Nacional
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